Wednesday, December 28, 2005

tortoise adopts orphaned hippo

this story pulled pretty damn hard on the old heartstrings.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


99 Problems With Buddy Holly

mildly amusing. thanks marlene.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"Kung Fu Hustle" wins at Chinese Oscars - Yahoo! News

Kung Fu Hustle is ineffable.

I really loved the hell out of this movie. It's completely insane. I'm stoked to see it's getting its due.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Consumerism as Spectator Sport

If I didn't know the guys at, I wouldn't believe it. But I do know them, and it's true-- they really do buy that much stuff. If you want to get into the game of oneupsmanship is sure to inspire, you can register and submit your own purchases complete with written reviews, pictures, and audio commentary to persuade others. And like Digg, Flickr, etc., it has its own little networking system so you can keep track of what your friends are buying and enjoying (or hating). Just don't try to keep up with the Lin brothers. You can't. There is no way. Forget it already.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

MP3 blogs

My friends and I used to make mix tapes. Then we made mix cds. Now you can find out what complete strangers are into with MP3 blogs. And if you're tastes line up, you've found yourself a source for new music.

I see a couple of these MP3 blogs Ben is talking about have RSS feeds. But they don't look like they're set up for podcasting. But then I guess it would be weird to podcast one track at a time.

Download This

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Energy Freedom

Here's my idea. Someone please build this for me. I want solar panels on my roof. That should be easy enough. But here's what I want to do with the excess energy I don't use during the day. Through electrolysis (all I need is running water) I want to create a stockpile of H2. Any power generated from the solar panels over what I can put into my H2 tank would go back into the grid. So when the sun doesn't shine, I can use my home fuel cell for power. If I run out of H2, I can just take back from the grid. So now I'm thinking, since I have this tank of H2 sitting at my house, what's to stop me from using it to fill up my fuel-cell-powered car? Heck, I could even reform the natural gas flowing into my house for H2 if I didn't want to waste water.

solar panels
fuel cells

American Red Cross - Hurricane Katrina

Give what you can. It's hell over there.

American Red Cross - Credit Card Contribution

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

When Gundam attacks

When Gundam attacks
Originally uploaded by mckibillo.


Ok, so it has cool mecha animation. Yeah, there's a lot of blowing stuff up. But the Gundam franchise offers so much more. In displaying combat between heavily-armed "mobile suits" piloted by gifted youngsters, it takes us on a journey that explores almost every aspect of war. The kid in me can appreciate it when Kira, one of the protagonists in the Seed series, gets to trade in his beat-up Strike Gundam for the new and improved Freedom Gundam. It looks cooler, and it rocks harder. All the glorious visuals are there to reel you in. And now that you're hooked, they can hit you with the history and political science lessons. At least I can hope that's what's happening for kids that watch the show. It's satisfying to see a cartoon demonstrate how people can be manipulated by their leaders into fighting war after war after war. Exploiting our differences to build up hatred, igniting the spark to fuel that hatred, revenge, profiteering-- it's all there. And it's all packaged in a wonderfully animated and melodramatically scored series. That's anime for you. I'm no anime expert. I just really enjoy this show.

Gundam Seed Destiny
And don't forget the rest of them:
Official Gundam website

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

More Croatia

I made more Vis pics available for non-friends and non-family.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by scartoe.
I uploaded a few pics I took in Croatia last year. This is the only one I've made public, so I guess I just got you all excited only to disappoint you.

Friday, August 19, 2005

And here he is

Originally uploaded by Dan Lin.
Dan L took this one at the Henry Fonda a while back.

New Elliott Smith recordings

I just read about it at Pitchfork. I like Cat Stevens almost as much as Mr. Smith, so I'm definitely looking forward to hearing his studio version of "Trouble." I'm not too into Big Star, but if you're going to play a BS song, it's gotta be "Thirteen." And Elliott has been known to deliver beautiful solo performances of that one. Let the Tupac-ness continue.

New Elliott Smith Recordings Surface on Soundtrack

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Everybody needs something to do that keeps them from breaking free from society/reality and falling into a realm of psychotic futility. Lucky for me, I have a few friends that know how to make music. We make music together, and we're still here. It's amazing really.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

It's been around for a while now (a week). It's like an on-demand local-access channel. Join the podcast revolution and subscribe.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dan Lin's Weblog

Dan Lin's Weblog

it was only a matter of time.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

I can't remember

I can't remember what the future was like. From the bits and pieces I can pull together it was full of technological wonder and great scientific achievement. Perhaps I'm confusing what I have forgotten to some form of heaven. Anyway, I can't remember.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


all i wanted to do was post a comment on