Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Let's all work together to get this film a distribution deal.


Ryan, you've made us proud.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Video podcasters on youtube, please start using

I have a simple request to all video podcasters who upload their videos exclusively to youtube: upload 'em to as well. I'm asking you to do this so I can subscribe to your feed outside of the youtube domain using whatever viewing mechanism pleases me. I happen to have a Windows media center rig plugged into my TV with TV Tonic installed, but I'm sure my request applies to owners of the new iTV thing as well since one can use iTunes to subscribe to podcasts. Thanks.

Oh, and youtube, I realize you like to keep people hanging out on your site, but I bet I'm not the only one who would really dig it if you offered RSS feeds for your channels. Millions read my blog, and by tomorrow, every serial video poster will abandon your site in favor of unless you do something now. (, get ready for the huge bandwidth increase.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Movin' time

The Magnificent M has new digs. Go there.

Friday, April 13, 2007

mp3's of me

I just realized my host allows me an insane amount of storage and bandwidth. So here are a bunch of original songs I've recorded throughout the years.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

'Bout time

The Famous (and mysterious) M has finally stepped up to the blogosphere. What's up with the anonymity? He used to put together a much-loved 'zine every quarter for his friends and family, culling together rare tidbits from around the funnyspace. It is sorely missed. Hopefully Living-to-die will fill that void. Perhaps, it can fill some of your voids as well.

Friday, March 30, 2007

LA Movie

Mike D. is a movie-making machine. Check out the first video episode from Cloak and Dagger Media.

Gundam greets the new year

Gundam Lantern

Anyone want to help me build one? Thanks for the link, Dan.

Monday, February 26, 2007

time-lapse overload

A friend of mine volunteered her time schlepping chunks of concrete to help get Malibu Creek back to where she once belonged. This is the incredible time-lapse video of the monumental task.

she speaks in tongues

dan, thanks for posting this. i can't stop watching this. my kid is awesome.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sunshine is not free

Selling Homeowners a Solar Dream

I totally dreamed this up ages ago. And I had the same conversation in my own head. When everyone shows up for their free solar panels, how am I going to pay for them all? We're talking enormous up front costs. Am I willing to wait a long time to get my money back and make a profit? What will Edison do to try to stop me?

It's a great idea, but it doesn't look like these are the guys to get it done. Yeah, the more you make, the cheaper they get. But pyramid scheme? Come on. This thing will sell itself once it gets rolling. Why bog it down. Someone else with a little more legitimacy please step up to the plate.

I say we look at these homeowner contracts as securities. Bundle 'em up and securitize. They're essentially low-yield, low-risk bonds. They already do this with home loans. Environmentally-conscious investors could jump all over these. Et voila! There's your financing. Maybe your local bank or lender will be where you go to get your free solar panel.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


The rawest depiction ever digitized.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dude Shoes 0001

I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Be on the look-out for episode 0003 when I attempt to use Youtube's direct record thing as DL suggested.

I'm now able to more effectively manipulate minds through face-to-face contact.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Digital Entertainment Center Part 3

I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas. I'm always a little late to the party. In addition to being a powerful gaming platform, the Xbox 360 can also perform as a Windows Media Center extender. After updating my OS, and getting a unique code from the Xbox, I was able to install the media center extender interface on my recently acquired 255z. It's pretty amazing. Once you fire up the media center on the Xbox, it's nearly indiscernible from the original media center interface. I could watch TV live or recorded, watch video, listen to music, and look at pictures just like on my media center. I'm not sure how well the live TV thing will work over wi-fi though. This is a great option for folks with multiple big-ass TV's. I only have one big-ass TV though, so it's kinda pointless for me. But I'm loving the Xbox no less. I held my own against some pre-pubes in a Call of Duty deathmatch. And I'm racking up the points in Need for Speed. Pretty soon, with those points, I'll be renting some high-def movies from the Xbox marketplace. Or I could get that episode of South Park I've always wanted. I'll have to take the 360 with me if I want to watch it on the go. With those points I could finally get past the second level of Frogger and pay for the full version.

A little update on the media center itself: dvd surround sound audio does indeed work and cd/dvd burning works. I was enjoying the Beatles/Gearge Martin's Love in 5.1 just the other day. And a little movie I edited in Windows Movie Maker and then authored into a dvd with Nero turned out great. My masterpiece has been likened to watching ice melt by more than one person.

Another media center update: for the paranoid and the packrats, the 255z (z552) comes with a slot for an HP personal media drive. I got one of these to back up my valuables. It's pretty handy-- slides right in. I'm using Allway Sync to automatically back stuff up. Thanks again for the idea, Dan. As always, you are the tech man.