Saturday, April 21, 2007

Video podcasters on youtube, please start using

I have a simple request to all video podcasters who upload their videos exclusively to youtube: upload 'em to as well. I'm asking you to do this so I can subscribe to your feed outside of the youtube domain using whatever viewing mechanism pleases me. I happen to have a Windows media center rig plugged into my TV with TV Tonic installed, but I'm sure my request applies to owners of the new iTV thing as well since one can use iTunes to subscribe to podcasts. Thanks.

Oh, and youtube, I realize you like to keep people hanging out on your site, but I bet I'm not the only one who would really dig it if you offered RSS feeds for your channels. Millions read my blog, and by tomorrow, every serial video poster will abandon your site in favor of unless you do something now. (, get ready for the huge bandwidth increase.)

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